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Thursday, November 09, 2006

GDP Shares

Here are some interesting data points:

GDP created by the TOP 100 companies increased by 12.7% in 2005 compared to the previous year, while the entire commercial sector reached only 7.5% growth in total, according to the survey of economic analysis institute Ecostat.

This means that the largest companies increased their share of the GDP: in 2005 they created 39.8% of about Ft 10,000 billion total GDP generated by the enterprises; a year before that was only 37.4%. Even among the top 100 the largest companies are increasing their importance: the Top 11 generated as much GDP as the remaining 89.

The TOP 4 remained the same (Mol Nyrt, Magyar Telekom Nyrt, GE Hungary Zrt, Audi Hungária Kft); last year’s number five, T-Mobile Hungary Rt has been merged into Magyar Telekom. IBM Data Storage Systems Kft managed to develop the most; it jumped from the 62nd position of 2004 to 21st last year.

Obviously Mol Nyrt, Magyar Telekom Nyrt, GE Hungary Zrt, Audi Hungária Kft are the ones to watch.

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